Acupuncture is a healing modality used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Very fine, solid, sterile needles are inserted at specific points, on the body to stimulate a therapeutic response. Each acupuncture treatment is tailored to the current needs of the patient. An initial visit includes an in-depth health history, a review of all medications, a physical assessment, and acupuncture treatment. The practitioner may utilize bodywork and write an herbal prescription as appropriate at no additional cost.
90 min. Initial consult and treatment: $125
60 min. Follow-up treatment: $100
A discount of 10% off on packages of 4 or more is available.
Chinese Herbal Consultation
Chinese herbs are used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. An herbal consultation consists of an in-depth review of your health history, your current symptoms, and all of your medications. A custom herbal prescription will be written for you, with directions on how to use it and follow-up instructions.
60 min. Initial Herbal Consultation: $75
30 min. Follow-up consultation: $50
Bodywork may be incorporated into your session as appropriate to promote healing and relaxation. TCM includes several forms of bodywork.
Cupping creates suction on the skin to promote circulation at a deeper level.
Tuina massage uses a “pulling and grasping” movement to address pain and other imbalances.
Reflexology uses pressure on the feet and hands to stimulate healing and relaxation throughout the body.
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